Apex 10®

  • The ease and time required to change calibers depends on both your primer size and level of experience.  Small calibers can take as little as 30 minutes or less with all necessary accessories. Small to large caliber or large to small caliber changes could take up to an hour depending on the number of pieces changed.
  • No special tools are needed, but a good Allen wrench set is recommended. It will take about an 1 hour to 90 minutes to get the press set up* meaning the press is physically set up but not ready to load on: that will take another 1 to 2 hours. The necessary step are:
    1. Install the sensors
    2. Set up and adjust the bullet feeder and case feeder
    3. Set dies
    4. Set the sensors
    5. Set powder measure charge, etc...
  • In all, you should expect to spend approximately 90 minutes to set up a manual press, or approximately 3 or more hours for an automated press with sensors.
  • The Rev is our flagship/workhorse press that comes standard with a larger 14” case feeder, Mr. Bullet feeder pro, digital powder measure, and commercial vibratory priming system.
  • This is a direct drive unit that is extremely smooth in operation and designed to surpass that coveted million round mark.
  • Very easy: Simply install your Apex 10® / Evolution™ Autodrive which typically requires 30 - 45 minutes on average.
  • This is a “loaded question” (pun intended). This will depend heavily on the cost of your components you purchase.
  • We tend to look at this as more of an opportunity to load ammunition to your own specifications and tailor to your paricular guns.
  • Your monthly ammo bill is actually likely to increase, not because you are paying more per round, but you will simply be shooting more
  • Our presses are 10 station, and designed around, and for automation. Almost by default, this makes them more robust in operation and have much tighter tolerances.
  • With 10 stations, we can separate all aspects of reloading to create a better finished round of ammunition, while still adding sensors and bullet drop stations. No more combining seating/crimping dies, powder drop with case flaring, or sizing with decapping.
  • Absolutely. All standard 7/8"-14 thread dies will work in our presses as long as they do not need contact with the shell plate for proper operation.
  • We would recommend a manual press for anyone who is newer to reloading, or unfamiliar with progressive presses. There is a lot happening all at once with automation and can be a lot for the operator to handle without the basic knowledge of press operation. Automation is a great step up for loaders down the road once they are familiar with the process.
  • Automation can, and will add a level of consistency to the operators output. The motor will operate the press in the same manner and speed for every stroke. This can have a positive effect on powder drop, priming and bullet seating/crimping. This will also give a higher sustained output.
  • The Apex 10 comes with both small and large priming system components. No conversion parts needed there.
  • Caliber specific dies
  • Spare tool head and stand (optional but highly recommended for faster caliber changes.)
  • Extra powder measure (optional but highly recommended for faster caliber changes)
    • if not purchasing a whole P/M, then will need a P/M conversion kit if changing from pistol to rifle or vice versa.
  • Bullet feeder conversion kit
  • Case feeder conversion plate
  • Press conversion kit (101-1068)
  • Yes, as long as you are using your press with an autodrive
  • Our digital sensors need an auto drive to function.
  • We highly recommend our mechanical powder check sensor for use while loading on your Apex 10.
  • Yes, when used with an Evolution™/ Apex 10® Autodrive.

Apex 10 Priming System Setup Guide

Apex 10® Priming System Caliber Swap

The Evolution™ & Evolution™ Commercial

  • Tool head size: The Dillon presses have 5 where the Evolution™ has 10.
  • The Evolution™ has CNC and Billet construction.
  • The Evolution™ is easier to automate and works better when automated: Dillon presses were not made to be automated.
  • The Evolution™ offers more sensor options if you choose to automate.

Yes, when used with an Evolution™ Autodrive.

The ease and time required to change calibers depends on both your primer size and level of experience.  Small calibers can take as little as 30 minutes or less with all necessary accessories. Small to large caliber or large to small caliber changes could take up to an hour depending on the number of pieces changed.

No special tools are needed, but a good Allen wrench set is recommended. It will take about an 1 hour to 90 minutes to get the press set up* meaning the press is physically set up but not ready to load on: that will take another 1 to 2 hours. The necessary step are:

  1. Install the sensors
  2. Set up and adjust the bullet feeder and case feeder
  3. Set dies
  4. Set the sensors
  5. Set powder measure charge, etc...

In all, you should expect to spend approximately 90 minutes to set up a manual press, or approximately 3 or more hours for an automated press with sensors.

Yes, provided that they are standard thread dies.

Very easy: Simply install your Evolution™ Autodrive which typically requires 30 - 45 minutes on average.

Assembling your Evolution

Assembling your Evolution + Autodrive

The Mark 7® Revolution®

No special tools are needed, but a good Allen wrench set is recommended. It will take about an 1 hour to 90 minutes to get the press set up* meaning the press is physically set up but not ready to load on: that will take another 1 to 2 hours. The necessary steps are:

  1. Install the sensors
  2. Set up and adjust the bullet feeder and case feeder
  3. Set dies
  4. Set the sensors
  5. Set powder measure charge, etc...

In all, you should expect to spend 3+ hours to install the press and all sensors.

The ease and time required to change calibers depends on both your primer size and level of experience.  Small calibers can take as little as 30 minutes or less with all necessary accessories. Small to large caliber or large to small caliber changes could take up to an hour depending on the number of pieces changed.

  • The Rev is our flagship/workhorse press that comes standard with a larger 14” case feeder, Mr. Bullet feeder pro, digital powder measure, and commercial vibratory priming system.
    • Emphasis on the “commercial grade” accessories here
  • This is a direct drive unit that is extremely smooth in operation and designed to surpass that coveted million round mark.

The Mark 7 Revolution® Setup Guide


In addition to a reloading press, you may want to consider the following:

  • Case Feeder
  • Bullet Feeder
  • Dies
  • Sensors which will monitor the various functions that the press will perform

The Mark 7® Autodrives are not caliber specific: they will work with the calibers available for your press.

The autodrives use a belt to drive the crank and ram of the press. The Revolution® is direct drive meaning the motor shaft connects directly to the crank and ram to run the press.



Assembling Your Evolution + Autodrive!


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